– Storytelling as a Pathway to Peace


The shortest distance
between two human beings is


Finding a common ground
in times of challenge and tumultuous change

THE NEW STORY – Storytelling as a Pathway to Peace
 is full of inspiration and practical tools to bring transformation, healing and new ideas into your daily life, wherever y
ou are. This is a book for all who work with people. With more than 30 tales from around the world and 33 easy to do exercises, this new book from Inger Lise Oelrich gives a fresh and encouraging take on how to bring about change, under-standing and compassion  – whether at school, in worklife, at home with the family, in a quiet conversation with a friend or in the wider arena of international politics, mediation and social healing.

”I want to make all this work accessible to people, so they can use it in their own lives and work, wherever they are,” Inger Lise explains the inspiration behind her third book. ”Anyone can do it!”

The actual activity of telling and listening to stories in itself has a strong peace-building effect. With leading edge contributions from six modern storytellers at work in places like Israel, Kurdistan and Sierra Leone, THE NEW STORY reveals how storytelling combined with appreciative listening has been used in peace-building initiatives in recent times. The  particular skills of the peacekeeping storyteller were researched during the ALBA Peace Project in Sweden and the results are published here. Containing many practical examples from her work, Inger Lise addresses questions of living in a multicultural world, where the old stories do not hold anymore. She sees violence and war as a breakdown of communication and shows the potential of storytelling to engender community, trust and a sense of belonging.

ISBN 9789180070782